intestate adj. Not having made a valid will. intestine n. That part of the digestive tube below or behindthe stomach, extending to the anus. intimacy n. Close or confidential friendship. intimidate v. To cause to become frightened. intolerable adj. Insufferable. intolerance n. Inability or unwillingness to bear or endure. intolerant adj. Bigoted. intoxicant n. Anything that unduly exhilarates or excites. intoxicate v. To make drunk. intracellular adj. Occurring or situated within a cell. intramural adj. Situated within the walls of a city. intransitive adj. Said of verbs that do not govern a direct object. intrepid adj. Fearless and bold. intricacy n. Perplexity. intricate adj. Difficult to follow or understand. intrigue n. A plot or scheme, usually complicated and intended to accomplish something by secret ways. intrinsic adj. Inherent. introductory adj. Preliminary. introgression n. Entrance. intromission n. Admission. intromit v. To insert. introspect v. To look into. introspection n. The act of observing and analyzing one's own thoughts and feelings. introversion n. The act of turning or directing inward, physically or mentally. introvert v. To turn within. intrude v. To come in without leave or license. intrusion n. The act of entering without warrant or invitation; encroachment. intuition n. Instinctive knowledge or feeling. inundate v. To fill with an overflowing abundance. inundation n. Flood. inure v. To harden or toughen by use, exercise, or exposure. invalid adj. Having no force, weight, or cogency. invalid n. One who is disabled by illness or injury. invalidate v. To render of no force or effect. invaluable adj. Exceedingly precious. invariable adj. Unchangeable. invasion n. Encroachment, as by an act of intrusion or trespass. invective n. An utterance intended to cast opprobrium, censure, or reproach. inveigh v. To utter vehement censure or invective. inveigle v. To wheedle. inventive adj. Quick at contrivance. inverse adj. Contrary in tendency or direction. inversion n. Change of order so that the first shall become last and the last first. invert v. To turn inside out, upside down, or in oppositedirection. investigator n. One who investigates. investor n. One who invests money. inveterate adj. Habitual. invidious adj. Showing or feeling envy. invigorate v. To animate. invincible adj. Not to be conquered, subdued, or overcome. inviolable adj. Incapable of being injured or disturbed. invitation n. Courteous solicitation to come to some place or to do some act. invocation n. A calling upon or for in supplication. invoke v. To call on for assistance or protection. involuntary adj. Unwilling. involution n. Complication. involve v. To draw into entanglement, literally or figuratively. invulnerable adj. That can not be wounded or hurt. inwardly adv. With no outward manifestation. inwrap v. To surround or cover. iodine n. A bluish-black crystalline haloid element and yielding fumes of a rich violet. iodize v. To treat with or bring under the influence of iodine. iota n. A small or insignificant mark or part. irascible adj. Prone to anger. irate adj. Moved to anger. ire n. Wrath. iridescence n. A many-colored appearance. iridescent adj. Exhibiting changing rainbow-colors due to theinterference of the light. iris n. A thin colored curtain stretched vertically across the aqeous chamber of the eye. irk v. To afflict with pain, vexation, or fatigue. irksome adj. Wearisome. iron-bound adj. Bound with iron. iron-gray adj. Grayish. ironmongery n. Hardware. irony n. Censure or ridicule under cover of praise or compliment. irradiance n. Luster. irradiate v. To render clear and intelligible. irrational adj. Not possessed of reasoning powers or understanding. irreducible adj. That can not be lessened. irrefragable adj. That can not be refuted or disproved. irrefrangible adj. That can not be broken or violated. irrelevant adj. Inapplicable. irreligious adj. Indifferent or opposed to religion. irreparable adj. That can not be rectified or made amends for. irrepressible adj. That can not be restrained or kept down. irresistible adj. That can not be successfully withstood or opposed. irresponsible adj. Careless of or unable to meet responsibilities. irreverence n. The quality showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things. irreverent adj. Showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things. irreverential adj. Showing or expressing a deficiency of veneration, especially for sacred things. irreversible adj. Irrevocable. irrigant adj. Serving to water lands by artificial means. irrigate v. To water, as land, by ditches or other artificial means. irritable adj. Showing impatience or ill temper on little provocation. irritancy n. The quality of producing vexation. irritant n. A mechanical, chemical, or pathological agent of inflammation, pain, or tension. irritate v. To excite ill temper or impatience in. irruption n. Sudden invasion. isinglass n. Mica. islander n. An inhabitant of an island. isle n. An island. islet n. A little island. isobar n. A line joining points at which the barometric pressure is the same at a specified moment. isochronous adj. Relating to or denoting equal intervals of time. isolate v. To separate from others of its kind. isosceles adj. Having two sides that are equal. isothermal adj. Having or marking equality of temperature. Isrealite n. Hebrew. isthmian adj. Pertaining to a neck or narrow body of land connecting two larger bodies. itinerant adj. Wandering. itinerary n. A detailed account or diary of a journey. itinerate v. To wander from place to place. Its pronoun. Possessive case of it. jacinth n. A hyacinth. jackal n. One of various dog-like carnivorous animals. Jacobite n. An adherent of James II, after his abdication in 1688. jaguar n. A leopard-like mammal. jail n. A place for the confinement of arrested or sentenced persons. jailer n. The officer in charge of a jail. jam v. To compact or press into a tight place. jamb n. A side-post or side of a door way, window-opening, or fireplace. janitor n. One who is employed to take care of a building. Japanese n. A native of Japan. jargon n. Confused, unintelligible speech. jasper n. An impure, opaque, colored variety of quartz. jaundice n. A morbid condition, due to obstructed excretionof bile or characterized by yellowing of the skin.javelin n. A short, light spear. jeopardize v. To imperil. jeweler n. A dealer in or maker of jewelery. jew's-harp n. A small instrument consisting of a lyre-shaped metal frame, and a metallic tongue. jingle n. A tinkling or clinking sound, as of little bells or pieces of metal. Jingo n. One of a party in Great Britain in favor of spirited and demonstrative foreign policy. jinrikisha n. A small two-wheeled Japanese carriage, drawn byone or two men. jockey n. One employed to ride horses, especially at races. jocose adj. Done or made in jest. jocular adj. Inclined to joke. joggle n. A sudden irregular shake or a push causing such a shake. Johnsonese n. Inflated, tumid, stilted expression. journalism n. The business of managing, editing, or writing for newspapers. journalize v. To keep a diary. journey n. Passage from one place to another. jovial adj. Merry. Jovian adj. Pertaining to Jove or the planet Jupiter. joyless adj. Devoid of gladness. jubilance n. Jubilation. jubilant adj. Manifesting joy with or as with shouts or songs. jubilation n. Exultation. jubilee n. The fiftieth anniversary of any event. judgment n. The faculty by the exercise of which a deliberate conclusion is reached. judicature n. Distribution and administration of justice by trial and judgment. judicial adj. Pertaining to the administration of justice. judiciary n. That department of government which administersthe law relating to civil and criminal justice. judicious adj. Prudent. juggle v. To play tricks of sleight of hand. jugglery n. The art or practice of sleight of hand. jugular adj. Pertaining to the throat. jugulate v. To cut the throat of. juicy adj. Succulent. junction n. The condition of being joined. juncture n. An articulation, joint, or seam. jungle n. A dense tropical thicket. juniper n. An evergreen shrub or tree. junto n. A council or assembly that deliberates in secret upon the affairs of government. juridical adj. Assumed by law to exist. jurisdiction n. Lawful power or right to exercise official authority. jurisprudence n. The science of rights in accordance with positive law. juror n. One who serves on a jury or is sworn in for jury duty in a court of justice. joust v. To engage in a tilt with lances on horseback. justification n. Vindication. juvenile adj. Characteristic of youth. justapose v. To place close together. kaiser n. The German form of a title applied to the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire. kaleidoscope n. An instrument which causes objects viewed through it to appear in symmetrical patterns. kangaroo n. A herbivorous marsupial mammal. keepsake n. Anything kept or given to be kept for the sake of the giver. kennel n. A house or other shelter for a dog, or for a pack of hounds. kerchief n. A square of linen, silk, or other material, used as a covering for the head or neck. kerf n. The channel or groove made by a saw. kernel n. A grain or seed. kerosene n. A hydrocarbon oil used for burning in lamps. khaki adj. Of the color of dust or ashes. kidnap v. To carry off any human being forcibly, by fraud, or by threats. kidney n. One of the glandular organs that secrete urine. kiln n. An oven or furnace for baking, burning, or drying industrial products. kilo n. Kilogram. kilogram n. A unit of mass--for weight. kiloliter n. One thousand liters. kilometer n. A length of 1,000 meters. kilowatt n. One thousand watts. kilt n. The skirt of the Scotch Highlanders. kimono n. A loose robe, fastening with a sash, the principal outer garment in Japan. kind-hearted adj. Having a kind and sympathetic nature. kingling n. A petty king. kingship n. Royal state. kinsfolk n. pl. Relatives. kirk n. A church or the church. knapsack n. A bag used by soldiers, tourists, and travelersfor carrying light personal luggage. knavery n. Deceitfulness in dealing. knead v. To mix and work into a homogeneous mass, especially with the hands. knew v. Imperfect form of to know. Knickerbocker n. A descendant of one of the Dutch families that settled New York. knickknack n. A small article, more for ornament that use. knight errant n. One of the wandering knights who in the middle ages went forth in search of adventure. knighthood n. Chivalry. know v. To be cognizant of. knowledge n. Learning. labor-saving adj. Adapted or intended to save or lessen the labor of man or animals. laboratory n. A building or room fitted up for conducting scientific experiments, analyses, etc. laborious adj. Toilsome. labyrinth n. A maze. lac n. A resinous substance exuded from a scale-insect. lacerate v. To tear rudely or raggedly. lackadaisical adj. Listless. lacrimose adj. Tearful. lactation n. The secretion of milk. lacteal adj. Milky. lactescent adj. Becoming milky. lactic adj. Pertaining to milk. lacuna n. A vacancy. laddie n. A lad. ladle n. A cup-shaped vessel with a long handle, intended for dipping up and pouring liquids. laggard adj. Falling behind. laid v. Past participle of to lay. lair n. The resting-place, couch, or den of a wild boaror other wild animal. lambkin n. A little lamb. lancet n. A surgical instrument. landholder n. Landowner. landlord n. A man who owns and lets a tenement or tenements. landmark n. A familiar object in the landscape serving as aguide to an area otherwise easily lost track of. landscape n. A rural view, especially one of picturesque effect, as seen from a distance or an elevation. languid adj. Relaxed. languor n. Lassitude of body or depression. lanigerous adj. Bearing or producing wool. lapidary n. One who cuts, grinds, polishes, and sets gems and precious stones. lapse n. A slight deviation from what is right, proper, or just. larva n. The early form of any animal when it is unlike the parent, or undergoes a metamorphosis. lascar n. A tent-pitcher. lascivious adj. Lustful. lassie n. A little lass. lassitude n. Languor. lasso n. A long line, with a running noose, used chieflyfor catching horses and cattle. latent adj. Dormant. latency n. The state of being dormant. later adv. At a subsequent time. lateral adj. Directed toward the side. latish adj. Rather late. latitude n. Distance on the earth's surface from the equator, measured in degrees of the meridian. latter adj. Occurring or coming after something else. lattice n. Openwork of metal or wood, formed by crossing or interlacing strips or bars. laud v. To praise in words or song. laudable adj. Praiseworthy. laudation n. High praise. laudatory adj. Pertaining to, expressing, or containing praise. laundress n. Washerwoman. laureate adj. Crowned with laurel, as a mark of distinction. lava n. Melted rock discharged from a volcanic crater. lavatory n. A place where anything is washed. lave v. To wash or bathe. lavender n. An aromatic shrub of the mint family, frequently cultivated for its perfume. law merchant n. The body of commercial usages recognized by civilized nations as regulating trade rights. lawgiver n. A legislator. lawmaker n. A legislator. lax adj. Not stringent or energetic. laxative adj. Having power to open or loosen the bowels. lay-figure n. One who is a mere puppet in the hands of others. layette n. An outift for a newly born child, consisting ofclothing, bedding, cradle, etc. layout n. A set of articles set out or provided. lea n. A field. lead v. To guide by going ahead and showing the way. lead n. A soft, heavy, inelastic, malleable, ductile, bluish-gray metallic element. leaflet n. A little leaf or a booklet. leak n. An opening that permits the escape of a substance, usually a fluid, intended to be held. leakage n. The act or process of leaking. leal adj. True-hearted. leash n. A line, thong, or cord, especially one by whicha hunting-dog or a falcon is held. leaven v. To make light by fermentation, as dough. lection n. A lesson appointed to be read in a church service. leechcraft n. The art of healing. leek n. A culinary herb, closely allied to the onion. leeward n. That side or direction toward which the wind blows. left-handed adj. Using the left hand or arm more dexterously than the right. legacy n. A bequest. legalize v. To give the authority of law to. legate n. A person accredited by one nation as its diplomatic representative to another nation. legatee n. One to whom personal property is bequeathed by will. legation n. A diplomatic mission. legging n. A covering for the leg. legible adj. That may be read with ease. legionary n. A member of an ancient Roman legion or of the modern French Legion of Honor. legislate v. To make or enact a law or laws. legislative adj. That makes or enacts laws. legislator n. A lawgiver. legitimacy n. Accordance with law. legitimate adj. Having the sanction of law or established custom. leisure n. Spare time. leit motif n. A representation theme used to indicate a certain person, attribute, or idea in an opera. leniency n. Forbearance. lenient adj. Not harsh. leonine adj. Like a lion. leopard n. A ferocious carnivorous mammal. leper n. One afflicted with leprosy. leprosy n. A chronic skin-disease characterized by ulcerous eruptions and successive loss of skin. lessee n. The person to whom a lease is granted. lessen v. To diminish or reduce, as in capacity, number, strength, extent or duration. lesson n. The thing taught or learned. lessor n. The person who grants a lease. lethargy n. Prolonged sluggishness of body or mind. letter-head n. A printed heading at the top of a sheet of letter-paper. letter-press n. A copying-press. Levantine n. A native or naturalized inhabitant of the Levant, especially one of European descent. levee n. An embankment beside a river or stream or an arm of the sea, to prevent overflow. lever n. That which exerts, or through which one may exert great power. leveret n. A young or half-grown hare. leviathan n. Any large animal, as a whale. levity n. Frivolity. levy v. To impose and collect by force or threat of force. lewd adj. Characterized by lust or lasciviousness. lexicographer n. One who makes dictionaries. lexicography n. The making of dictionaries. lexicon n. A dictionary. liable adj. Justly or legally responsible. libel n. Defamation. liberalism n. Opposition to conservatism. liberate v. To set free or release from bondage. librarian n. One who has charge of the books and appointments of a library. library n. A collection of books, pamphlets, etc. kept forreading and consultation. liberate v. To hold poised. libretto n. A book containing the text of an opera or any extended musical composition. licentious adj. Wanton. licit adj. Lawful. licorice n. A perennial herb of the bean family. lief adv. Willingly. liege adj. Sovereign. lien n. A legal claim or hold on property, as security for a debt or charge. lieu n. Stead. lieutenancy n. The office, rank, or authority of a commissioned army officer, next below a captain. lieutenant n. A commissioned army officer, next in rank belowa captain. life-boat n. A boat having air-chambers by which it is rendered specially buoyant. lifelike adj. Realistic. lifelong adj. Lasting or continuous through life. lifetime n. The time that life continues. ligament n. That which binds objects together. ligature n. Anything that constricts, or serves for bindingor tying. light-hearted adj. Free from care. lighthouse n. A tower or other structure bearing at the top alamp or lamps for guiding navigators at night. lightning n. A sudden flash of light caused by the dischargeof electricity between two electrified clouds. ligneous adj. Having the texture of appearance of wood. lignify v. To convert into or to become wood. lignite n. A compact, partially carbonized vegetable matter forming an imperfect fuel. lignose n. A high explosive. likelihood n. A probability. likely adj. Plausible. liking n. Fondness. lilac n. A widely cultivated ornamental Old World shrub. liliaceous adj. Of the lily family. limitation n. A restriction. duet n. A composition for two voices or instruments. dukeling n. A petty duke. dukedom n. The domain or territorial possessions of a duke dullish adj. Somewhat dull. lineament n. A feature. linear adj. Of the nature of a line. liner n. A vessel belonging to a steamship-line. lingo n. Language. lingua n. The tongue. lingual adj. Pertaining to the use of the tongue in utterance. linguist n. One who is acquainted with several languages. linguistics n. The science of languages, or of the origin, history, and significance of words. liniment n. A liquid preparation for rubbing on the skin incases of bruises, inflammation, etc. links n. pl. Grounds laid out for the game of golf. linoleum n. A preparation of linseed-oil which is hardened by an oxidizing process. linotype n. A line of type cast in one piece. linseed n. Flaxseed. lintel n. The horizontal top piece of a doorway or window-opening. lintie n. The linnet. lioness n. A she lion. liquefacient adj. Possessing a liquefying nature or power. liquefy v. To convert into a liquid or into liquid form. liqueur n. An alcoholic cordial sweetened and flavored with aromatic substances. liquidate v. To deliver the amount or value of. liquor n. Any alcoholic or intoxicating liquid. listless adj. Inattentive. liter n. In the metric system, a measure of capacity. literacy n. The state or condition of knowing how to read and write. literal adj. Following the exact words. literature n. The written or printed productions of the human mind collectively. lithe adj. Supple. lithesome adj. Nimble. lithograph n. A print made by printing from stone. lithotype n. In engraving, an etched stone surface for printing. litigant n. A party to a lawsuit. litigate v. To cause to become the subject-matter of a suitat law. litigious adj. Quarrelsome. littoral adj. Of, pertaining to, or living on a shore. liturgy n. A ritual. livelihood n. Means of subistence. livid adj. Black-and-blue, as contused flesh. lizard n. A reptile, as a chameleon, gecko, Gila monster,or iguana. lo interjection. Behold. laom n. A non-coherent mixture of sand and clay. loath adj. Averse. loathe v. To abominate. lobster n. A large marine crustacean used as food. locative adj. Indicating place, or the place where or wherein an action occurs. loch n. A lake. locksmith n. One whose occupation is the manufacture, fitting or repairing of locks. locomotion n. The act or power of moving from one place to another. lode n. A somewhat continuous unstratified metal- bearing vein. lodgment n. The act of furnishing with temporary quarters. loft n. Any upper floor in a warehouse of the like. logarithm n. The exponent of the power to which a fixed number must raised to produce a certain number. logic n. The science of correct thinking. logical adj. Capable of or characterized by clear reasoning. logician n. An expert reasoner. loiterer n. One who consumes time idly. Londoner n. A native or inhabitant of London. loneliness n. Solitude. longevity n. Unusually prolonged life. longitude n. Distance east or west on the earth's surface. loo n. A game of cards. looker-on n. A spectator. loon n. A dull stupid person. loose adj. Not fastened or confined. loot v. To plunder. loquacious adj. Talkative. lordling n. A little lord. lordship n. The title by which noblemen and judges in England are addressed or spoken of. lorgnette n. A pair of eye-glasses carried on a long ornamental handle. lose v. To miss so as not to be able to find. lotion n. A liquid preparation for application to the skin or to any diseased or bruised part. lough n. A lake or loch. louse n. A small insect parasitic on and sucking the blood of mammals. lovable adj. Amiable. loveliness n. Capacity for inspiring admiration or affection. low-spirited adj. Despondent. lowly adv. Rudely. lozenge n. A small confection, often medicated. lubricant n. A substance, as graphite, or oil used to diminish the friction of moving machinery parts. lubricity n. Smoothness or slipperiness of surface. lucid adj. Mentally sound. lucrative adj. Highly profitable. lucre n. Money, especially as the object of greed. ludicrous adj. Laughable. luggage n. A traveler's effects. lugubrious adj. Doleful. lullaby n. A strain sung to soothe a child to sleep. luminary n. One of the heavenly bodies as a source of light. luminescent adj. Showing increase of light. luminescence n. Showing increase. luminosity n. The quality of giving or radiating light. luminous adj. Giving or radiating light. lunacy n. Mental unsoundness. lunar adj. Pertaining to the moon. lunate adj. Crescent-shaped. lunatic n. An insane person. lune n. The moon. lurid adj. Ghastly and sensational. luscious adj. Rich, sweet, and delicious. lustrous adj. Shining. lute n. An instrument of the guitar family. luxuriance n. Excessive or superfluous growth or quantity. luxuriant adj. Abundant or superabundant in growth. luxuriate v. To live sumptuously. lyceum n. A literary association for mutual improvement and popular instruction. lye n. A solution used in making soap. lying n. Untruthfulness. lymph n. A transparent, colorless, alkaline fluid resembling that of the blood. lymphatic adj. Absorbent. lynx n. A feline mammal. lyre n. One of the most ancient of stringed instruments of the harp class. lyric adj. Fitted for expression in song. macadamize v. To cover or pave, as a path or roadway, with small broken stone. macaroni n. An Italian paste made into slender tubes from water and the flour of hard, glutinous wheat. macaroon n. A small cake made of pounded almonds, white of egg, and sugar. machinery n. The parts of a machine or engine, taken collectively. machinist n. One who makes or repairs machines, or uses metal-working tools. mackerel n. A scombroid fish of the genus Scomber. mackintosh n. An overgarment or cloak, made water-proof by the application of a solution of india-rubber. macrocosm n. The whole of any sphere or department of nature or knowledge to which man is related. macule n. A spot or blemish. madame n. A title of courtesy applied to women. madden v. To inflame with passion. madonna n. A painted or sculptured representation of the Virgin, usually with the infant Jesus. magazine n. A periodical publication, containing stories, sketches, essays, and often illustrated. magi n. pl. The wise men who came to worship the infant Savior. magician n. A sorcerer. magisterial adj. Having an air of authority. magistracy n. The office or dignity of a magistrate. magnanimous adj. Generous in treating or judging others. magnate n. A person of rank or importance. magnet n. A body possessing that peculiar form of polarity found in nature in the lodestone. magnetize v. To make a magnet of, permanently, or temporarily. magnificence n. The exhibition of greatness of action, character, intellect, wealth, or power. magnificent adj. Grand or majestic in appearance, quality, or action. magniloquent adj. Vainglorious. magnitude n. Importance. magpie n. A bird having a very long and graduated tail. maharaja n. A great Hindu prince. mahogany n. Hard, fine-grained, redish- or yellowish- brown wood, much used for cabinet-work. maidenhood n. Virginity. maintain v. To hold or preserve in any particular state or condition. maintenance n. That which supports or sustains. maize n. Indian corn: usually in the United States called simply corn. majordomo n. The steward of a house, especially of a royal household. major-general n. An officer next in rank below a lieutenant- general, and above a brigadier-general. makeup n. The arrangements or combination of the parts of which anything is composed. malady n. Any physical disease or disorder, especially a chronic or deep-seated one. malaria n. A fever characterized by alternating chills, fever, and sweating. malcontent n. One who is dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs. male adj. Made up of men or boys. malediction n. The calling down of a curse or curses. malefactor n. One who injures another. maleficent adj. Mischievous. malevolence n. Ill will. malevolent adj. Wishing evil to others. malign v. To speak evil of, especially to do so falsely and severly. malignant adj. Evil in nature or tending to do great harm or mischief. malleable adj. Pliant. mallet n. A wooden hammer. Maltese adj. Of or pertaining to Malta, an island in the Mediterranean. maltreat v. To treat ill, unkindly, roughly, or abusively. man servant n. Adult male servant. man-trap n. A place or structure dangerous to human life. mandate n. A command. mandatory adj. Expressive of positive command, as distinguished from merely directory. mandible n. The lower jaw-bone. mandolin n. A musical instrument having an almond-shaped sounding body, and metal strings, like a violin. mandrel n. A shaft or spindle on which an object may be fixed for rotation. mandrill n. A large and ferocious West-African baboon. mane n. The long hair growing upon and about the neck of certain animals, as the horse and the lion. man-eater n. An animal that devours human beings. maneuver v. To make adroit or artful moves: manage affairs by strategy. manful adj. Brave. mango n. The fruit of Mangifera Indica. mania n. Insanity. maniac n. a person raving with madness. manifesto n. A public declaration, making announcement, explanation or defense of intentions, or motives. manikin n. A model of the human figure. manlike adj. Like a man. manliness n. The qualities characteristic of a true man, as bravery, resolution, etc. mannerism n. Constant or excessive adherence to one manner, style, or peculiarity, as of action or conduct. man-of-war n. An armed vessel belonging to a navy or military marine. manor n. The landed estate of a lord or nobleman. manse n. A clergyman's house. mantel n. The facing, sometimes richly ornamented, about a fireplace, including the usual shelf above it. mantle n. A cloak. manual adj. Relating to, or affecting the hand. manufactory n. a place or building where anything is regularly made. manufacture v. To form or produce by some industrial process. manufacturer n. A person engaged in manufacturing as a business. manumission n. Emancipation. manumit v. To set free from bondage. manure n. Any substance applied to soil to render it more fertile, as dung, or certain minerals. manuscript n. A composition in handwriting or typewriting, as distinguished from one that is printed. marchioness n. The wife or widow of a marquis. margarine n. A fatty compound contained in certain animal fats and vegetable oils. margrave n. A nobleman corresponding to the English marquis. marine adj. Of or pertaining to the sea or matters connected with the sea. maritime adj. Situated on or near the sea. marmalade n. A preserve or confection made by boiling the pulp of fruit. maroon v. To put ashore and abandon (a person) on a desolate coast or island. marquis n. A title of rank or honor, applied to a nobleman next in rank below a duke. marquise n. The wife of a French marquis. marry v. To unite a man and a woman in matrimony. marsh n. A tract of low wet land. marsupial adj. Having a pouch for retaining the young. marten n. One of various musteline carnivores, yielding a valuable fur, such as sable. martial adj. Pertaining to war or military operations. Martian adj. Pertaining to Mars, either the Roman god of war or the planet. martin n. One of various swallows, especially one with the tail less forked than the common swallows. martyrdom n. Submission to death or persecution for the sake of faith or principle. marvel v. To be astonished and perplexed because of (something). masonry n. The art or work of constructing, as buildings, walls, etc., with regularly arranged stones. masquerade n. A social party composed of persons masked and costumed so as to be disquised. massacre n. The unnecessary and indiscriminate killing of human beings. masse n. In billiards, a stroke wih a cue held per- pendicularly. massive adj. Of considerable bulk and weight. masterpiece n. A superior production. mastery n. The attainment of superior skill. mastiff n. One of an old British breed of large dogs, valued as watch-dogs. match-maker n. One who aids to bring about marriages. material n. That of which anything is composed or may be constructed. materialize v. To take perceptible or substantial form. maternal adj. Pertaining or peculiar to a mother or to motherhood. mathematician n. One who has a thorough knowledge of mathematics. mathematics n. The science that treats of quantity, especially by the use of symbols. matinee n. An entertainment (especially theatrical) held in the daytime. matrass n. A long-necked round-bodied glass vessel for distilling and digesting. matricide n. The killing, especially the murdering, of one's mother. matrimony n. The union of a man and a woman in marriage. matrix n. That which contains and gives shape or form to anything. matter of fact n. Something that has actual and undeniable existence or reality. mattock n. A tool resembling a pick-axe, used in digging, and loosening the soil. mattress n. A cloth sack or tick stuffed with hair, straw, cotton, moss, or the like, used as a bed. maudlin adj. Foolishly and tearfully affectionnate. mauger prep. In spite of. mausoleum n. A tomb of more than ordinary size or architectural pretensions. mawkish adj. Sickening or insipid. maxim n. A principle accepted as true and acted on as a rule or guide. maze n. A labyrinth. mead n. A meadow. meager adj. scanty. mealy-mouthed adj. Afraid to express facts or opinions plainly. meander v. To wind and turn while proceeding in a course. measles n. An acute infectious disease of the human body. mechanician n. A designer or maker of machinery. mechanics n. The branch of physics that treats the phenomena caused by the action of forces. medallion n. A large medal. meddlesome adj. Interfering. Mede n. A member of the ancient Aryan race who founded the Medo-Persian empire. medial adj. Of or pertaining to the middle. mediate v. To effect by negotiating as an agent between parties. medicine n. A substance possessing or reputed to possess curative or remedial properties. medieval adj. Belonging or relating to or descriptive of the middle ages. mediocre adj. Ordinary. meditation n. The turning or revolving of a suject in the mind. Mediterranean adj. Of or pertaining to the Mediterranean Sea. medlar n. A small spreading European tree of the rose family. medley n. A composition of different songs or parts of songs arranged to run as a continuous whole. meed n. A reward of merit. megaphone n. An appliance enabling persons to converse from a two-mile distance without a connecting wire. meistersinger n. One of the burgher poets and musicians of Germany in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. meliorate v. To make better or improve, as in quality or social or physical condition. mellifluous adj. Sweetly or smoothly flowing. melodious adj. Characterized by a sweet succession of sounds. melodrama n. A drama with a romantic story or plot and sensational situation and incidents. melon n. A trailing plant of the gourd family or its fruit. memento n. A souvenir. memorable adj. Noteworthy. memorize v. To learn by heart. menace n. A threat. menagerie n. A collection of wild animals, especially when kept for exhibition. mendacious adj. Untrue. mendicant n. A beggar. mendicity n. The practice or habit of begging. menses n. pl. A periodical flow of blood from the uterus of any female mammal. menstruation n. The act or period of menstruating. menstruum n. The medium in which a substance is dissolved. mentality n. Intellectuality. mentor n. A wise and faithful teacher, guide, and friend. Mephistopheles n. One of the chief characters in Goethe's "Faust," where he appears as a cynical tempter. mercantile adj. Conducted or acting on business principles; commercial. mercenary adj. Greedy mercerize vt. To suject to mercerization. merciful adj. Disposed to pity and forgive. merciless adj. Cruel. meretricious adj. Alluring by false or gaudy show. meridian n. Noonday. merino n. A sheep. mermaid n. In folk-lore, a marine creature having the head and body of a woman and the tail of a fish. mesdames n. Plural of MADAME. mesial adj. Situated in the middle. mesmerize v. To hypnotize. mesoderm n. The middle germ-layer of the embryo developing the muscular, vascular, and osseous systems. Mesopotamian adj. Pertaining to a region between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. messenger n. A bearer of official despatches. messieurs n. pl. Gentlemen. metal n. An element that forms a base by combining with oxygen, is usually hard, heavy, and lustrous. metallurgy n. The art or science of exracting a metal from ores, as by smelting. metamorphosis n. A passing from one form or shape into another. metaphor n. A figure of speech in which one object is likened to another, by speaking as if the other. metaphysical adj. Philosophical. metaphysician n. One skilled in metaphysics. metaphysics n. The principles of philosophy as applied to explain the methods of any particular science. metatarsal adj. Of or pertaining to the middle of the foot. metatarsus n. The part of the pelvic limb that is between the ankle and the bones of the toe. metaxylene n. A colorless, volatile, inflammable isomeric modification of xylene. mete v. To apportion. metempsychosis n. Transition of the soul of a human being at death into another body, whether human or beast. meterology n. The department of philosophy that treats of the phenomena of the atmosphere. Methodist n. A member of any branch of the Protestant Christian church coming from Oxford University. meticulous adj. Over-cautious. metonymy n. A figure of speech that consists in the naming of a thing by one of its attributes. metric adj. Relating to measurement. metronome n. An instrument for indicating and marking exact time in music. metropolis n. A chief city, either the capital or the largest or most important city of a state. metropolitan adj. Pertaining to a chief city. mettle n. Courage. mettlesome adj. Having courage or spirit. mews n. pl. A stable or set of stables in London in which the royal horses are kept. Mexican adj. Pertaining to Mexico or its people. miasma n. morbific exhalation from putrescent matter. mica n. A Mineral. microbe n. A microscopic organism, especially a bacterium. microcosm n. The world or universe on a small scale. micrometer n. An instrument for measuring very small angles or dimensions. microphone n. An apparatus for magnifying faint sounds. microscope n. An instrument for assisting the eye in the vision of minute objects or features of objects. microscopic adj. Adapted to or characterized by minute oservation. microscopy n. The art of examing objects with the microscope. midsummer n. The middle of the summer. midwife n. A woman who makes a business of assisting at childbirth. mien n. The external appearance or manner of a person. migrant adj. Wandering. migrate v. To remove or pass from one country, region, or habitat to another. migratory adj. Wandering. mikado n. The sovereign of Japan. Milanese adj. Pertaining to Milan, in Italy. mileage n. A distance in miles. militant adj. Of a warlike or combative disposition or tendency. militarism n. A policy of maintaining great standing armies. militate v. To have weight or influence (in determining a question). militia n. Those citizens, collectively, who are enrolled and drilled in temporary military organizations. Milky Way n. The galaxy. millet n. A grass cultivated for forage and cereal. milliner n. A person employed in making, trimming, or selling bonnets, women's hats, and the like. millinery n. Hats and bonnets. million n. Ten hundred thousand. millionaire n. A person whose possessions are valued at a million or more, in dollars, pounds, or francs. milreis n. A Portuguese and Brazilian unit of account. Miltonic adj. Majestic. mimeograph n. An apparatus in which a paper coated with paraffin is used as a stencil for copying matter. mimic v. To imitate the speech or actions of. minacity n. Disposition to threaten. miniature adj. Much smaller than reality or that the normal size. minimize v. To reduce to the smallest possible amount or degree. minion n. A servile favorite. ministration n. Any religious ceremonial. ministry n. A service. minium n. A mineral used chiefly as a pigment. minority n. The smaller in number of two portions into which a number or a group is divided. minster n. A monastery church. minstrel n. A wandering musician who composed and sang to the harp, and recited in hall and castle. minstrelsy n« Ballad≤ o≥ lyrics collectively. minuet n. A stately dance dating from the 17th century. minus adj. Lessened (by a specified amount). minute adj. Exceedingly small in extent or quantity. minute n. A common unit of time. minutia n. A small or unimportant particular or detail. miosis n. The period in the course of a disease when the symptoms begin to diminish. mirage n. An optical effect looking like a sheet of water in the desert. misadventure n. An unlucky accident. misalliance n. A marriage with one of inferior rank, station, or character. misanthropic adj. Hating mankind. misanthropy n. Hatred of mankind. misapprehend v. To misunderstand. misbehave v. To behave ill. misbehavior n. Ill or improper behavior. mischance n. An instance of ill luck. mischievous adj. Fond of tricks. miscount v. To make a mistake in counting. miscreant n. A villain. misdeed n. A wrong or improper act. misdemeanor n. Evil conduct. miser n. A person given to saving and hoarding unduly. misfit n. Something that fails to fit or fits badly, as a garment. mishap n. Misfortune. misinterpret v. To misunderstand. mislay v. To misplace. mismanage v. To manage badly, improperly, or unskillfully. misnomer n. A name wrongly or mistakenly applied. misogamy n. Hatred of marriage. misogyny n. Hatred of women. misplace v. To put into a wrong place. misrepresent v. To give a wrong impression. misrule v. To misgovern. missal n. The book containing the service for the celebration of mass. missel n. Mistletoe. missile n. Any object, especially a weapon, thrown or intended to be thrown. missive n. A message in writing. mistletoe n. A European evergreen. mistrust v. To regard with suspicion or jealousy. misty adj. Lacking clearness misunderstand v. To Take in a wrong sense. misuse v. To maltreat. mite n. A very small amount, portion, or particle. miter n. The junction of two bodies at an equally divided angle. mitigant adj. Lenitive. mitigate v. To make milder or more endurable. mnemonics n. A system of principles and formulas designed to assist the recollection in certain instances. moat n. A ditch on the outside of a fortress wall. mobile adj. Characterized by ease or freedom of motion. mobocracy n. Lawless control of public affairs by the mob or populace. moccasin n. A foot-covering made of soft leather or buckskin. mockery n. Ridicule. moderation n. Temperance. moderator n. The presiding officer of a meeting. modernity n. The state or characer of being modern. modernize v. To make characteristic of the present or of recent times. modification n. A change. modify v. To make somewhat different. modifier n. In grammar, a word, as an adverb, that alters or restricts the application of another word. modish adj. Fashionable. modulate v. To vary in tone, inflection, pitch or other quality of sound. Mohammedan adj. Pertaining to the founder of Islam, or to his religion, and institutions. moiety n. A small portion. molar n. A tooth with flattened crown adapted for grinding or crushing food. molasses n. A dark-colored liquor which during processing is separated from crystallizable sugar. mold n. That after which something else is patterned. molecule n. The smallest part of a substance that can exist separately and still remain unchanged. mollify v. To soothe. molt v. To cast off, as hair, feathers, etc. momentary adj. Lasting but a short time. momentous adj. Very significant. momentum n. An impetus. monad n. Those primary elements of being which in them- selves are absolutely simple and indivisible. monarchy n. Government by a single, sovereign ruler. monastery n. A dwelling-place occupied in common by persons under religious vows of seclusion. monetary adj. Financial. mongrel n. The progeny resulting from the crossing of different breeds or varieties. monition n. Friendly counsel given by way of warning and implying caution or reproof. monitor n. a senior pupil selected to watch and report upon his class. monitory n. Admonition or warning. monocracy n. Government by a single person. monoecious adj. Having male and female organs on the same individual. monogamy n. The habit of pairing, or having but one mate. monogram n. A character consisting of two or more letters interwoven into one, usually initials of a name. monograph n. A treatise discussing a single subject or branch of a subject. monolith n. Any structure or sculpture in stone formed of a single piece. monologue n. A story or drama told or performed by one person. monomania n. The unreasonable pursuit of one idea. monopoly n. The control of a thing, as a commodity, to enable a person to raise its price. monosyllable n. A word of one syllable. monotone n. The sameness or monotony of utterance. monotonous adj. Unchanging and tedious. monotony n. A lack of variety. monotype n. The only representative of its kind, as a species of a genus or the like. monsieur n. A French title of respect, equivalent to Mr. and sir. monsoon n. A wind that blows steadily along the Asiatic coast of the Pacific. monstrosity n. Anything unnaturally huge or distorted. moonbeam n. A ray of moonlight. morale n. A state of mind with referance to confidence, courage, zeal, and the like. moralist n. A writer on ethics. morality n. Virtue. moralize v. To render virtuous. moratorium n. An emergency legislation authorizing a government bank to suspend payments temporarily. morbid adj. Caused by or denoting a diseased or unsound condition of body or mind. morbid adj. Caused by or denoting a diseased or unsound condition of body or mind. mordacious adj. Biting or giving to biting. mordant adj. Biting. moribund adj. On the point of dying. morning watch n. The watch between four and eight o'clock in the morning. moron n. A person with an IQ of 50 to 75 morose adj. Gloomy. morphine n. A chemical contained in opium and largely used in medicine for the purpose of alleviating pain. morphology n. the science of organic forms. morphometry n. Measurement of external form. mortar n. A mixture of sand and lime used in building for joining bricks, stones, etc. mortgagee n. The grantee under a mortgage. Moslem adj. Of or pertaining to Mohammedans. mosquito n. An insect capable of puncturing the skin of man and other animals and sucking blood. mote n. An exceedingly small particle, as of dust. Mother-of-pearl n. The hard, iridescent internal layer of sundry shells, as the pearl-oysters. mother-in-law n. The mother of one's spouse. motley adj. Composed of heterogenous or inharmonious elements. motor n. A machine for producing or causing motion. motto n. An expressive word or pithy sentence enunciating some guiding rule of life, or faith. mountain-ash n. Trees of the genus Pyrus, of the rose family. mountaineer n. One who travels among or climbs mountains for pleasure or exercise. mountainous adj. Full of or abounding in mountains. mouthful n. As much as can be or is usually put into the or exercise. mountainous adj. Full of or abounding in mountains. mouthful n. As much as can be or is usually put into the mouth at one time. movable n. Anything that may be readily moved or is adapted for moving. mow v. To cut down, as grain or grass, with a scythe, mowing-machine, or other sharp implement. muddle v. To confuse or becloud, especially with or as with drink. muffle v. To deaden the sound of, as by wraps. mulatto n. The offspring of a white person and a black person. mulberry n. The berry-like or collective fruit of any tree of the genus Morus; also, the tree itself. muleteer n. A mule-driver. mullein n. A tall, stout, weed of the figwort family, with club-shaped spikes of yellow flowers. mullion n. A division-piece between the lights of the windows. multiform adj. Having many shapes, or appearances. multiple adj. Containing or consisting of more than one. multiplicate adj. Consisting of many or more than one. mulitiplication n. the act or process of increasing, or the state of being increased in number. multiplicative adj. Indicating multiplication. multiplicity n. the condition of being manifold or very various. mundane adj. Wordly, as opposed to spiritual or celestial. municipal adj. Of or pertaining to a town or city, or to its corporate or local government. municipality n. A district enjoying municipal government. munificence n. A giving characterized by generous motives and extraordinary liberality. munificent adj. Extraordinarily generous. mural adj. Growing or placed on or against a wall. muscle n. An organ composed of contractile fibers through the contraction of which a body moves. mushrooms n. A large, rapidly growing fungus consisting usually of a stalk and a cap-like expansion. musketeer n. A foot soldier. muslin n. A fine soft cotton fabric for dress-goods. mussel n. A mollusk used and cultivated as food. mustache n. The growth of hair upon the upper lip of men. mustard n. The seed of the mustard-plant, crushed and adapted for use as a condiment. muster n. An assemblage or review of troops for parade or inspection, or for numbering off. mutation n. The act or process of change. mutilate v. To disfigure. mutiny n. Rebellion against lawful or constituted authority. myriad n. A vast indefinite number. Myrtaceae n. An order of trees or shrubs--the myrtle family with simple dotted leaves. myrtle n. A tree or shrub of the genus Myrtus. mystic n. One who professes direct divine illumination, or relies upon meditation to acquire truth. mystification n. The act of artfully perplexing. myth n. A fictitious narrative presented as historical, but without any basis of fact. mythology n. The whole body of legends cherished by a race concerning gods and heroes. nacre n. Mother-of-pearl. naive adj. Ingenuous. nameless adj. Having no fame or reputation. napery n. An article of household or personal linen, or such linen collectively. naphtha n. A light, colorless, volatile, inflammable oil used as a solvent, as in manufacture of paints. napoleon n. A French gold coin. Narcissus n. The son of the Athenian river-god Cephisus, fabled to have fallen in love with his reflection.narcotic n. A substance, as opium, that in medical doses, relieves pain and produces sleep. narrate v. To tell a story. narration n. The act of recounting the particulars of an event in the order of time or occurence. narrative n. An orderly continuous account of the successive particulars of an event. narrator n. One who narrates anything. narrow-minded adj. Characterized by illiberal views or sentiments. nasal adj. Pertaining to the nose. natal adj. Pertaining to one's birth. nationality n. A connection with a particular nation. naturally adv. According to the usual order of things. nausea n. An affection of the stomach producing dizziness and usually an impulse to vomit nauseate v. To cause to loathe. nauseous adj. Loathsome. nautical adj. Pertaining to ships, seamen, or navigation. nautilus n. A nautiloid tetrabranchiate cephalopod found in the southern seas. naval adj. Pertaining to ships. nave n. The central part or main body of a church. navel n. The depression on the abdomen where the umbilical cord of the fetus was attached. navigable adj. Capable of commercial navigation. navigate v. To traverse by ship. navigation n. The moving over water in vessels. navigator n. One who calculates the position and directs thecourse of a ship at sea. nebula n. A gaseous body of unorganized stellar substance. necessary adj. Indispensably requisite or absolutely needed to accomplish a desired result. necessitate v. To render indispensable. necessity n. That which is indispensably requisite to an end desired. necrology n. A list of persons who have died in a certain place or time. necromancer n. One who practises the art of foretelling the future by means of communication with the dead. necropolis n. A city of the dead. necrosis n. the death of part of the body. nectar n. Any especially sweet and delicious drink. nectarine n. A variety of the peach. needlewoman n. A seamstress. needlework n. Embroidery. needy adj. Being in need, want, or poverty. nefarious adj. Wicked in the extreme. negate v. To deny. negation n. The act of denying or of asserting the falsity of a proposition. neglectful adj. Exhibiting or indicating omission. negligee n. A loose gown worn by women. negligence n. Omission of that which ought to be done. negligent adj. Apt to omit what ought to be done. negligible adj. Transferable by assignment, endorsement, or delivery. negotiable v. To bargain with others for an agreement, as for a treaty or transfer of property. neither conj. Not one nor the other. Nemesis n. A goddess; divinity of chastisement and vengeance. neocracy n. Government administered by new or untried persons. neo-Darwinsim n. Darwinism as modified and extended by more recent students. neo-Latin n. Modernized Latin. neopaganism n. A new or revived paganism. Neolithic adj. Pertaining to the later stone age. neology n. The coining or using of new words or new meanings of words. neophyte adj. Having the character of a beginner. nescient adj. Ignorant. nestle v. To adjust cozily in snug quarters. nestling adj. Recently hatched. nettle v. To excite sensations of uneasiness or displeasure in. network n. Anything that presents a system of cross- lines. neural adj. Pertaining to the nerves or nervous system. neuralgia n. An acute pain along the course and over the local distribution of a nerve. neurasthenia n. Debility or inactivity of the nerves. neuritis n. Inflammation of a nerve. neurology n. The science of the nervous system. neurotic adj. Relating to a nerve or in the nervous system. neuter adj. Neither masculine nor feminine. neutral adj. Belonging to or under control of neither of two contestants. nevertheless conj. Notwithstanding. newcomer n. One recently arrived. newt n. One of various small aquatic tailed or salamander-like amphibians. Newtonian adj. Of or pertaining to Sir Isaac Newton, the English philosopher. nibble v. To bite off small pieces of. nickel n. A hard, metallic element. nickname n. A familiar name, usually a diminutive. nicotine n. A poisonous alkaloid contained in the leaves of certain plants, especially tobacco. niece n. A brother's or sister's daughter. niggardly adj. Stingy. nightly adj. Pertaining to the night or to every night. nightmare n. An oppressive condition in sleep, giving the sense of danger from which one cannot escape. nihilist n. An advocate of the doctrine that nothing either exists or can be known. nil n. Nothing nimble adj. Light and quick in motion or action. nineteen n. The sum of ten and nine. ninety n. The sum of ten and eighty. ninth n. One of nine equal parts of anything. nit n. The egg of a louse or some other insect. niter n. A mineral, also called saltpeter. nitrate n. A salt of nitric acid. nitrite n. A salt of nitrous acid. nocturnal adj. Of or pertaining to the night. noiseless adj. Silent. noisome adj. Very offensive, particularly to the sense of smell. noisy adj. Clamorous. nomad adj. Having no fixed abode. nomic adj. Usual or customary. nominal adj. Trivial. nominate v. To designate as a candidate for any office. nomination n. The act or ceremony of naming a man or woman for office. nominative n. The case of the subject of a finite verb. nominee n. One who receives a nomination. nomology n. The science that treats of law and lawmaking. non-existent n. That which does not exist. non-resident adj. Not residing within a given jurisdiction. nonchalance n. A state of mind indicating lack of interest. non-combatant n. One attached to the army or navy, but having duties other than that of fighting. nondescript adj. Indescribable. nonentity n. A person or thing of little or no account. nonpareil n. One who or that which is of unequaled excellence. norm n. A model. normalcy n. The state of being normal. Norman adj. Of or peculiar to Normandy, in northern France. Norman-French adj. Belonging or relating to Normandy or the Normans. northward adj. Directed or lying toward the north. northeast n. That point of the horizon lying midway between north and east. northerly adj. Coming from or directed toward the north. Northman n. One of the early members of the west or Old Norse branch of the Scandinavians. Norwegian n. A native or inhabitant of Norway. nosography n. A description and classification of diseases. nosology n. The branch of medical science that treats of systematic classification of diseases. nostalgia n. Homesickness. nostrum n. Any scheme or recipe of a charlatan character. notary n. An officer, who is empowered by law to administer oaths, and to take depositions. note-book n. A book in which to enter notes or memoranda. noticeable adj. Perceptible. notorious adj. Unfavorably known to the general public. noun n. A word used as the name of a thing, quality, or action. novellette n. A short novel. novice n. A beginner in any business or occupation. nowadays adv. In the present time or age. noway adv. Not at all. nowhere adv. In no place or state. nowise adv. In no manner or degree. noxious adj. Hurtful. nuance n. A slight degree of difference in anything perceptible to the sense of the mind. nucleus n. A central point or part about which matter is aggregated. nude adj. Naked. nugatory adj. Having no power or force. nuisance n. That which annoys, vexes, or irritates. numb adj. Destitute wholly or partially of the power of sensation. numeral n. A symbol or character used to express a number. numeration n. The act or art of reading or naming numbers. numerical adj. Of or pertaining to number. nuncio n. An ordinary ambassador of the Pope to a foreigncourt. nunnery n. A convent for nuns. nuptial adj. Of or pertaining to marriage, especially to the marriage ceremony. nurse-maid n. A young girl employed to care for children. nursling n. An infant. nurture n. The process of fostering or promoting growth. nutriment n. That which nourishes. nutrition n. The process by which growth is promoted and waste repaired in live organisms. nutritious adj. Promoting the growth or repairing the waste of animal bodies. nutritive adj. Having nutritious properties. nuzzle v. To rub the nose against. oaken adj. Made of or from oak. oakum n. Hemp-fiber obtained by untwisting and picking out loosely the yarns of old hemp rope. oarsman n. One who rows or is skilled in rowing. oasis n. Any fertile spot in a waste or desert. obconical adj. Conical, but attached at the apex. obcordate adj. Heart-shaped, but with the notch opposite the stem. obdurate adj. Impassive to feelings of humanity or pity. obedience n. The performance of what is required or enjoined; or abstaining from what is prohibited. obeisance n. A bow or courtsey. obelisk n. A square shaft with pyramidal top, usually monumental or commemorative. obese adj. Exceedingly fat. obesity n. Excessive fatness. obituary adj. A published notice of a death. objective adj. Grasping and representing facts as they are. objector n. One who objects, as to a proposition, measure, or ruling. oblanceolate adj. Lance-shaped. obligate v. To hold to the fulfillment of duty. obligatory adj. Binding in law or conscience. obligee n. One who is obliged. obligor n. The person who is bound, especially by bond, to perform an obligation. oblique adj. Slanting; said of lines. obliterate v. To cause to disappear. oblivion n. The state of having passed out of the memory or of being utterly forgotten. oblong adj. Longer than broad: applied most commonly to rectangular objects considerably elongated obloquy n. Infamy. obnoxious adj. Detestable. oboe n. A wooden wind-instrument. obovate adj. Ovate, but with the point of attachment at the narrow end. obscene adj. Expressing or presenting to the mind the ideathat decency, and purity should not be exposed. obsequies n. Funeral rites. obsequious adj. Showing a servile readiness to fall in with the wishes or will of another. observance n. A traditional form or customary act. observant adj. Quick to notice. observatory n. A building designed for systematic astronomicalobservations. obsolescence n. The condition or process of gradually falling into disuse. obsolescent adj. Passing out of use, as a word. obsolete adj. No longer practiced or accepted. obstetrician n. A practitioneer of midwifery. obstetrics n. The branch of medical science concerned with the treatment and care of women during pregancy. obstinacy n. Stubborn adherence to opinion, arising from conceit or the desire to have one's own way. obstreperous adj. Boisterous. obstruct v. To fill with impediments so as to prevent passage, either wholly or in part. obstruction n. Hindrance. obtrude v. To be pushed or to push oneself into undue prominence. obtrusive adj. Tending to be pushed or to push oneself into undue prominence. obtund v. To reduce the violence or sharpness of. obverse n. That side of a coin or medal upon which the face or main device is struck. obvert v. To turn the front or principal side of (a thing) toward any person or object. obviate v. To clear away or provide for, as an objection or difficulty. occasion n. An important event or celebration. Occident n. The countries lying west of Asia and the Turkish dominions. occlude v. To absorb, as a gas by a metal. occult adj. Existing but not immediately perceptible. occupant n. A tenant in possession of property, as distinguished from the actual owner. occurrence n. A happening. ocher n. A native earth mineral varying from light yellow to deep orange or brown. ocherous adj. Light-yellow tinged with brown. octagon n. A figure with eight sides and eight angles. octave n. A note at this interval above or below any other, considered in relation to that other. octavo n. A book, or collection of paper in which the sheets are so folded as to make eight leaves. octogenarian adj. A person of between eighty and ninety years. octopus n. An octopod cuttlefish. ocular adj. Of or pertaining to the eye. oculist n. One versed or skilled in treating diseases of the eye. oddity n. An eccentricity. ode n. The form of lyric peotry anciently intended to be sung. odious adj. Hateful. odium n. A feeling of extreme repugnance, or of dislike and disgust. odoriferous adj. Having or diffusing an odor or scent, especially an agreeable one. odorous adj. Having an odor, especially a fragrant one. off adj. Farther or more distant. offal n. Those parts of a butchered animal that are rejected as worthless or unfit for food. offertory n. The anthem or words said or sung during the collection of alms in the Anglican church service.offhand adv. Without preparation. officer n. One elected or appointed to office. officiant n. A celebrant. officiate v. To act as an officer or leader. officious adj. Intermeddling with what is not one's concern. offshoot n. Something that branches off from the parent stock. ogre n. A demon or monster that was supposed to devour human beings. ointment n. A fatty preparation with a butter-like consistency in which a medicinal substance exists.old-fashioned adj. Having the style, characteristics, or customsof former times. oleomargarine n. Artificial butter. olfactory adj. of or pertaining to the sense of smell. olivaceous adj. Olive-green. olive n. An evergreen tree with leathery leaves and a bluish black oily fruit containing a bony stone. olive-branch n. A branch of the olive-tree, as an emblem of peace. ollapodrida n. A Spanish dish consisting of pieces of meat and vegetables stewed together. omber n. A gambling game with 40 cards, much played in the 18th century. omelet n. A dish of eggs and milk, stirred or beaten together, seasoned and fried. ominous adj. Portentous. omission n. Exclusion. omnipotence n. Unlimited and universal power. Omnipotent adj. Possessed of unlimited and universal power. omniscience n. Unlimited or infinite knowledge. omniscient adj. Characterized by unlimited or infinite knowledge. omnivorous adj. Eating or living upon food of all kinds indiscriminately. once adv. One time, without repetition. onerous adj. Burdensome or oppressive. oneself pron. One's own personality. onomatopoeia n. That principle in language by which words are formed in imitation of natural sounds. onrush n. Onset. onset n. An assault, especially of troops, upon an enemyor fortification. onslaught n. A violent onset. onus n. A burden or responsibility. onyx n. A variety of quartz. opalescence n. The property of combined refraction and reflection of light, resulting in smoky tints. opaque adj. Impervious to light. operate v. To put in action and supervise the working of. operation n. The application of instruments and manual manipulations for removing diseased parts. operative adj. Active. operator n. One who works with or controls some machine or scientific apparatus. operetta n. A humorous play in dialogue and music, of more than one act. opinion n. A conclusion or judgment held with confidence, but falling short of positive knowledge. opposum n. An American marsupial having the foot hand-likeand adapted for grasping. opponent n. One who supports the opposite side in a debate,discussion, struggle, or sport. opportune adj. Especially fit as occurring, said, or done at the right moment. opportunist n. One who takes advantage of circumstances to gain his ends. opportunity n. Favorable or advantageous chance or opening. opposite adj. Radically different or contrary in action or movement. opprobrium n. The state of being scornfully reproached or accused of evil. oppugn v. To oppose. optic n. Pertaining to the eye or vision. optician n. One who makes or deals in optical instruments or eye-glasses. optics n. The science that treats of light and vision, and all that is connected with sight. optimism n. The view that everything in nature and the history of mankind is ordered for the best. option n. The right, power, or liberty of choosing. optometry n. Measurement of the powers of vision. opulence n. Affluence. opulent adj. Wealthy. oral adj. Uttered through the mouth. orate v. To deliver an elaborate or formal public speech. oration n. An elaborate or formal public speech. orator n. One who delivers an elaborate or formal speech. oratorio n. A composition for solo voices, chorus, and orchestra, generally taken from the Scriptures. oratory n. The art of public speaking. orbit n. The path in space along which a heavenly body moves about its center of attraction. orchid n. Any plant of the orchis family. ordeal n. Anything that severely tests courage, strength,patience, conscience, etc. ordinal n. That form of the numeral that shows the order of anything in a series, as first, second, third. ordination n. A consecration to the ministry. ordnance n. A general name for all kinds of weapons and their appliances used in war. organdy n. A very fine translucent muslin; dress-goods. organist n. The official player of a church organ. orgies n. Wild or wanton revelry. oriel n. A window built out from a wall and resting on a bracket. oriental adj. Of or pertaining to the Orient. origin n. The beginning of that which becomes or is made to be. original adj. Not copied nor produced by imitation. originate v. To cause or constitute the beginning or first stage of the existence of. oriole n. A bird related to the crows. ornate adj. Ornamented to a marked degree. orthodox adj. Holding the commonly accepted faith. orthodoxy n. Acceptance of the common faith. orthoepy n. The science or art of correct pronunciation. orthogonal adj. Having or determined by right angles. orthography n. The science that treats of letters and spelling. orthopedic adj. Relating to the correcting or preventing of deformity in any part of the body. orthopedist n. One who practices the correcting or preventing of deformity in any part of the body. oscillate v. To swing back and forth. osculate v. To kiss. ossify v. to convert into bone. ostensible adj. Put forth or offered as real or as having the character represented. ostentation n. A display dictated by vanity and intended to invite applause or flattery. ostracism n. Exclusion from intercourse or favor, as in society or politics. ostracize v. To exclude from public or private favor. ostrich n. A very large bird. ought v. To be under moral obligation to be or do. oust v. To eject. out-and-out adv. Genuinely. outbid v. To offer a higher price than. outbreak n. A sudden and violent breaking forth, as of something that has been pent up or restrained. outburst n. A violent issue, especially of passion in an individual. outcast n. One rejected and despised, especially socially. outcry n. A vehement or loud cry or clamor. outdo v. To surpass. outlandish adj. Of barbarous, uncouth, and unfamiliar aspect or action. outlast v. To last longer than. outlaw n. A habitual lawbreaker. outlive v. To continue to exist after. out-of-the-way adj. Remotely situated. outpost n. A detachment of troops stationed at a distance from the main body to guard against surprise. outrage n. A gross infringement of morality or decency. outrageous adj. Shocking in conduct. outreach v.To reach or go beyond. outride v. To ride faster than. outrigger n. A part built or arrranged to project beyond a natural outline for support. outright adv. Entirely. outskirt n. A border region. outstretch v. To extend. outstrip v. To go beyond. outweigh v. To surpass in importance or excellence. oval adj. Roughly elliptical, but with one end larger than the other. ovary n. The organ or gland of the female that gives rise to the ova. ovate adj. Egg-shaped. overalls n. High loose trousers of canvas or like material worn by workmen over their clothing. overbalance n. Excess of weight or value. overboard adv. Over the side of or out of a boat or ship. overdo v. To overtax the strength of. overdose n. An excessive dose, usually so large a dose of a medicine that its effect is toxic. overeat v. To eat to excess. overhang n. A portion of a structure which projects or hangs over. overleap v. To leap beyond. overlord n. One who holds supremacy over another. overpass v. To pass across or over, as a river. overpay v. To pay or reward in excess. overpower v. To gain supremacy or victory over by superior power. overproduction n. Excessive production. overreach v. To stretch out too far. overrun v. To infest or ravage. oversee v. To superintend. overseer n. A supervisor. overshadow v. To cast into the shade or render insignificant by comparison. overstride v. To step beyond. overthrow v. To vanquish an established ruler or government. overtone n. A harmonic. overture n. An instrumental prelude to an opera, oratorio, or ballet. overweight n. Preponderance. Oxford n. A city in England. oxide n. Any binary compound of oxygen. oxidize v. To combine with oxygen. Oxonian adj. Of or pertaining to Oxford, England, or its university. oxygen n. A colorless, tasteless, and inodorous gaseous element. oxyhydrogen adj. Pertaining to a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen. pacify v. To bring into a peaceful state. packet n. A bundle, as of letters. pact n. A covenant. pagan n. A worshiper of false gods. pageant n. A dramatic representation, especially a spectacular one. pal n. A confederate in crime. palate n. The roof of the mouth. palatial adj. Magnificent. paleography n. The science of ancient writings. paleolithic adj. Having the marks or characteristics of the rude stone age. paleontology n. The branch of biology that treats of ancient life and fossil organisms. palette n. A thin tablet, with a hole for the thumb, upon which artists lay their colors for painting. palfrey n. A saddle-horse. palinode n. A retraction. pall v. To make dull by satiety. pallet n. A bed or mattress, usually of straw. palliate v. To cause to appear less guilty. pallid adj. Of a pale or wan appearance. palpable n. perceptible by feeling or touch. palsy n. Paralysis. paly adj. Lacking color or brilliancy. pamphlet n. A brief treatise or essay, usually on a subjectof current interest. pamphleteer v. To compose or issue pamphlets, especially controversial ones. panacea n. A remedy or medicine proposed for or professingto cure all diseases. Pan-American adj. Including or pertaining to the whole of America, both North and South. pancreas n. A gland connecting with the alimentary canal. pandect n. An encyclopedic treatise. pandemic adj. Affecting a whole people or all classes, as a disease. pandemonium n. A fiendish or riotous uproar. panegyric n. A formal and elaborate eulogy, written or spoken, of a person or of an act. panel n. A rectangular piece set in or as in a frame. panic n. A sudden, unreasonable, overpowering fear. pannier n. A basket thrown over the back, used to carry loads. panoply n. A full set of armor. panorama n. A series of large pictures representing a continuous scene. pantaloon n. In pantomimes, an absurd old man on whom the clown plays tricks. pantheism n. The worship of nature for itself or its beauty. Pantheon n. A circular temple at Rome with a fine Corinthian portico and a great domed roof. pantograph n. An instrument for making mechanically a copy of a drawing or diagram. pantomime n. Sign-language. pantoscope n. A very wide-angled photographic lens. papacy n. The official headship of the Roman Catholic Church. papyrus n. The writing-paper of the ancient Egyptians, and later of the Romans. parable n. A brief narrative founded on real scenes or events usually with a moral. parachute n. A large umbrella-shaped apparatus for retardingthe descent of a body through the air. paradox n. A statement or doctrine seemingly in contradiction to the received belief. parafin n. A colorless, odorless, translucent, waxy, solid mixture of hydrocarbons made from methane. paragon n. A model of excellence. parallel v. To cause to correspond or lie in the same direction and equidistant in all parts. parallelism n. Essential likeness. paralysis n. Loss of the power of contractility in the voluntary or involuntary muscles. paralyze v. To deprive of the power to act. paramount adj. Supreme in authority. paramour n. One who is unlawfully and immorally a lover or a mistress. paranoia n. Chronic mental instability or unsoundness. paraphernalia n. Miscellaneous articles of equipment or adornment. paraphrase v. Translate freely. parasite n. A living organism that lives on or in some other organism from which it derives nourishment. parasol n. A small, light umbrella carried by women. pare v. To cut, shave, or remove (the outside) from anything. parentage n. The relation of parent to child, of the producer to the produced, or of cause to effect. parenthesis n. One of the upright curves, or the pair, used by writers to indicate an injected clause. Pariah n. A member of a degraded class; a social outcast. paries n. The wall of any cavity in the body. parish n. The ecclesiastical district in charge of a pastor. Parisian adj. Of or pertaining to the city of Paris. parity n. Equality, as of condition or rank. parlance n. Mode of speech. parley v. To converse in. parliament n. A legislative body. parlor n. A room for reception of callers or enter- tainment of guests. parody v. To render ludicrous by imitating the language of. paronymous adj. Derived from the same root or primitive word. paroxysm n. A sudden outburst of any kind of activity. parricide n. The murder of a parent. parse v. To describe, as a sentence, by separating it into its elements and describing each word. parsimonious adj. Unduly sparing in the use or expenditure of money. parsley n. A cultivated biennial herb with aromatic flowers. part n. A certain portion or amount of anything. partible adj. Separable. participant n. One having a share or part. participate v. To receive or have a part or share of. participial adj. Consisting of a form of the verb that may e used either verbally or adjectively. participle n. A form of the verb that may be useed either verbally or adjectively. particularity n. Exactitude in description. partition n. That which separates anything into distinct parts. partisan adj. Characterized by or exhibiting undue or unreasoning devotion to a party. partner n. One who takes part or associates with another or others. partridge n. A game bird. parturifacient adj. Tending to bring on labor. parvenu n. One who has recently attained wealth or position beyond his birth or worth. passible adj. Capable of feeling of suffering. passive adj. Unresponsive. pastoral adj. Having the spirit or sentiment of rural life. pastry n. Articles of food made with a crust of shorteneddough, as pies and tarts. paten n. A plate or dish for the eucharistic bread. paternal adj. Fatherly. paternity n. Fatherhood. paternoster n. The Lord's Prayer. pathology n. The branch of medical science that treats of morbid conditions. pathos n. The quality in any form of representation that rouses emotion or sympathy. patriarch n. The chief of a tribe or race who rules by paternal right. patrician adj. Of senatorial or noble rank. patrimony n. An inheritance from an ancestor, especially from one's father. patriotism n. Love and devotion to one's country. patronize v. To exercise an arrogant condescension toward. patronymic adj. Formed after one's father's name. patten n. A thick-soled wooden shoe. patter v. To mumble something over and over. paucity n. Fewness. paul n. An old Italian silver coin. pauper n. One without means of support. pauperism n. Dependence on charity. pavillion n. An open structure for temporary shelter. pawn n. A chessman of lowest rank. payroll A list of those entitled to pay with the amounts due them. payee n. A person to whom money has been or is to be paid. peaceable adj. Tranquil. peaceful adj. Tranquil. peanut n. A fruit of a trailing plant of the bean family. pearlaceous adj. Resembling a pearl. Pease n. Peas in quantity or collectively. peccable adj. Capable of sinning. peccadillo n. A small breach of propriety or principle. peccant adj. Guilty. pectoral adj. Pertaining to the breast or thorax. pecuniary adj. Consisting of money. pedagogics n. The science and art of teaching. pedagogue n. A schoolmaster. pedagogy n. The science and art of teaching pedal n. A lever for the foot usually applied only to musical instruments, cycles, and other machines. pedant n. A scholar who makes needless and inopportune display of his learning. peddle v. To go about with a small stock of goods to sell. pedestal n. A base or support as for a column, statue, or vase. pedestrian n. One who journeys on foot. pediatrics n. The department of medical science that relates to the treatment of diseases of childhood. pedigree n. One's line of ancestors. pedler n. One who travels from house to house with an assortment of goods for retail. peerage n. The nobility. peerless adj. Of unequaled excellence or worth. peevish adj. Petulant. pellucid adj. Translucent. penal adj. Of of pertaining to punishment. penalty n. The consequences that follow the transgression of natural or divine law. penance n. Punishment to which one voluntarily submits or subjects himself as an expression of penitence. penchant n. A bias in favor of something. pendant n. Anything that hangs from something else, either for ornament or for use. pendulous adj. Hanging, especially so as to swing by an attached end or part. pendulum n. A weight hung on a rod, serving by its oscillation to regulate the rate of a clock. penetrable adj. That may be pierced by physical, moral, or intellectual force. penetrate v. To enter or force a way into the interior parts of. penetration n. Discernment. penholder n. A handle with a device for inserting a metallicpen. peninsular adj. Pertaining to a piece of land almost surrounded by water. penitence n. Sorrow for sin with desire to amend and to atone. penitential adj. Pertaining to sorrow for sin with desire to amend and to atone. penmanship n. The art of writing. pennant n. A small flag. pensile adj. Hanging loosely. pension n. A periodical allowance to an individual on account of past service done by him/her. pentagram n. A figure having five points or lobes. pentavalent adj. Quinqeuvalent. pentad n. The number five. pentagon n. A figure, especially, with five angles and fivesides. pentahedron n. A solid bounded by five plane faces. pentameter n. In prosody, a line of verse containing five units or feet. pentathlon n. The contest of five associated exercises in the great games and the same contestants. Pentecost n. The Christian feast of Whitsunday. penultimate adj. A syllable or member of a series that is last but one. penumbra n. The partial shadow between the umbra, and the region of entire freedom from the eclipse. penurious adj. Excessively sparing in the use of money. penury n. Indigence. people n. Human beings. pepsin n. The digestive ferment of the gastric juice. perambulate v. To walk about. perambulator n. A baby-carriage. percale n. A closely woven cambric with more dressing than ordinary muslin and without gloss. perceive v. To have knowledge of, or receive impressions concerning, through the medium of the body senses.perceptible adj. Cognizable. perception n. Knowledge through the senses of the existence and properties of matter or the external world. percipience n. The act of perceiving. percipient n. One who or that which perceives. percolate v. To filter. percolator n. A filter. percussion n. The sharp striking of one body against another. perdition n. Hell, loss of soul. perdu adj. Abandoned, out of sight. peremptory adj. Precluding question or appeal. perennial adj. Continuing though the year or through many years. perfectible adj. Capable of being made perfect. perfidy n. Treachery. perforate v. To make a hole or holes through. perform v. To accomplish. perfumery n. The preparation of perfumes. perfunctory adj. Half-hearted. perhaps adv. Possibly. pericardium n. A membranous bag that surrounds and protects the heart. pericranium n. The periosteum of the external surface of the cranium. perigee n. The point in the orbit of the moon when it is nearest the earth. perimeter n. The bounding line of any figure of two dimensions. periodical adj. Of or pertaining to publications that appear at fixed intervals. periodicity n. The habit or characteristic of recurrence at regular intervals. peripatetic adj. Walking about. perjure v. To swear falsely to. perjury n. A solemn assertion of a falsity. permanence n. A continuance in the same state, or without anychange that destroys the essential form or nature.permanent adj. Durable. permeate v. To pervade. permissible adj. That may be allowed. permutation n. Reciprocal change. pernicious adj. Tending to kill or hurt. peroxide n. An oxid having a larger proportion of oxygen than any other oxid of the same series. perpendicular adj. Straight up and down. perpetrator n. The doer of a wrong or a criminal act. perpetuate v. To preserve from extinction or oblivion. perquisite n. Any profit from service beyond the amount fixedas salary or wages. persecution n. Harsh or malignant oppression. perseverance n. A persistence in purpose and effort. persevere v. To continue striving in spite of discouragements. persiflage n. Banter. persist v. To continue steadfast against opposition. persistence n. A fixed adherence to a resolve, course of conduct, or the like. personage n. A man or woman as an individual, especially one of rank or high station. personal adj. Not general or public. personality n. The attributes, taken collectively, that make up the character and nature of an individual. personnel n. The force of persons collectively employed in some service. perspective n. The relative importance of facts or matters from any special point of view. perspicacious adj. Astute. perspicacity n. Acuteness or discernment. perspicuous adj. Lucid. perspiration n. Sweat. perspire v. To excrete through the pores of the skin. persuade v. To win the mind of by argument, eloquence, evidence, or reflection. persuasible adj. capable of influencing to action by entreaty,statement, or anything that moves the feelings. pertinacious adj. Persistent or unyielding. pertinacity n. Unyielding adherence. pertinent adj. Relevant. perturb v. To disturb greatly. perturbation n. Mental excitement or confusion. perusal n. The act of reading carefully or thoughtfully. pervade v. To pass or spread through every part. pervasion n. The state of spreading through every part. pervasive adj. Thoroughly penetrating or permeating. perverse adj. Unreasonable. perversion n. Diversion from the true meaning or proper purpose. perversity n. Wickedness. pervert n. One who has forsaken a doctrine regarded as true for one esteemed false. pervious adj. Admitting the entrance or passage of another substance. pestilence n. A raging epidemic. pestilent adj. Having a malign influence or effect. pestilential adj. having the nature of or breeding pestilence. pestle n. An implement of stone or metal, used for braying or mixing substances in a mortar. petal n. One of the leaves or subordinate parts of a corolla. peter v. To fail or lose power, efficiency, or value. petrify v. To convert into a substance of stony hardness and character. petrography n. The branch of petrology that studies the characteristics of rocks. petroleum n. An inflammable oily liquid mixture that exudes from the earth and is used for heat and light. petrology n. The science of rocks. petulance n. The character or condition of being impatient, capricious or petulent. petulant adj. Displaying impatience. phaeton n. A light four-wheeled carriage. pharmacopoeia n. A book containing the formulas and methods of preparation of medicines for the use of n. The art or business of compounding and dispensing medicines. pheasant n. A long-tailed bird. phenomenal adj. Extraordinary or marvelous. phenomenon n. Any unusual occurrence. philander v. To play at courtship with a woman. philanthropic adj. Benevolent. philanthropist n. One who endeavors to help his fellow men. philanthropy n. Active humanitarianism. philately n. The study and collection of labels or stamps issued by public authority to indicate prepayment.philharmonic adj. Fond of music. philip n. The house-sparrow. philogynist n. One who is fond of women. philologist n. An expert in linguistics. philology n. The study of language in connection with history and literature. philosophize v. To seek ultimate causes and principles. philosophy n. The general principles, laws, or causes that furnish the rational explanation of anything. philter n. A love-potion. phlebotomy n. The operation of opening a vein by incision as a remedial measure. phlegm n. A mucus secreted in the air-passages or the stomach. phlegmatic adj. Not easily roused to feeling or action. Phlox n. A plant. Phoenix n. A genus of Old World palms having short trunks. phonetic adj. Representing articulate sounds or speech. phonic adj. Pertaining to the nature of sound. phonogram n. A graphic character symbolizing an articulate sound. phonograph n. An apparatus for recording sounds and reproducing them when desired. phonography n. The art or science of writing by sound. phonology n. The science of human vocal sounds. phosphate n. A salt of phosphoric acid. phosphite n. A salt of phosphorous acid. phosphorescence n. The property of emitting light. phosphorize v. To combine or impregnate with phosphorus. phosphorus n. A soft yellowist-white non-metallic element. photoelectric adj. Pertaining to the combined action of light and electricity. photoengraving n. The process of producing by the aid of photo- graphy a relief block or plate for printing. photography n. The process of forming and fixing an image of an object by the chemical action of light. photogravure n. The act of producing an intaglio plate for printing in which there are minute depressions. photometer n. Any instrument for measuring the intensity of light or comparing the intensity of two lights. photometry n. The art of measuring the intensity of light. photosphere n. The visible shining surface of the sun. phototype n. A relief plate made for printing by photo engraving or photoetching. phrase n. An expression denoting a single idea, or forming a separate part of a sentence. phrenetic adj. Suffering from wild delirium. physical adj. Pertaining to material things. physician n. A doctor. physicist n. A specialist in the science that treats of the phenomena associated with matter and energy. physics n. The science that treats of the phenomena associated with matter and energy. physiocracy n. The doctrine that land and its products are theonly true wealth. physiognomy n. The external appearance merely. physiography n. Description of nature. physiology n. The science of organic functions. physique n. The physical structure or organization of a person. pianist n. A performer on the pianoforte. piazza n. A veranda or porch. pibroch n. A kind of music played on the bagpipe. picayune adj. Of small value. piccolo n. A small flute. pickerel n. A fish. picnic n. An outdoor pleasure-party. picture n. A likeness. piece n. A loose or separated part, as distinguished from the whole or the mass. piecemeal adv. Gradually. pier n. A projecting wharf. piggery n. A place for keeping or raising pigs. pigsticking n. The killing of a hog by thrusting a knife into the neck and severing the main arteries. pillage n. Open robbery, as in war. pillory n. A wooden framework in which an offender is fastened to boards and is exposed to public scorn.pincers n. An instrument having two lever-handles and two jaws working on a pivot. pinchers n. An instrument having two jaws working on a pivot. pineapple n. The fruit of a tropical plant. pinion v. To bind or cut the wings of. pinnace n. Any light sailing vessel. pinnacle n. A high or topmost point, as a mountain-peak. pinocle n. A card game. pioneer n. One among the first to explore a country. pious adj. Religious. pique v. To excite a slight degree of anger in. piracy n. Robery committed on the high seas. pistil n. The female or seed-bearing organ of flowering plants. piston n. A device for receiving the pressure of a fluid in a cylinder or tube. piteous adj. Compassionate. pitiable adj. Contemptible. pitiful adj. Wretched. pitiless adj. Hard-hearted. pittance n. Any small portion or meager allowance. placate v. To bring from a state of angry or hostile feeling to one of patience or friendliness. placid adj. Serene. plagiarism n. The stealing of passages from the writings of another and publishing them as one's own. plaice n. A flounder. plaid adj. Having a pattern of stripes crossing one another at right angles. plain adj. Having no conspicous ornamentation. planisphere n. A polar projection of the heavens on a chart. plaque n. A plate, disk, or slab used mainly for wall- decoration. plasticity n. The property of some substances through which the form of the mass can readily be changed. platinize v. To coat or combine with platinum. platinoid n. A platinum metal. platinous adj. Pertaining to platinum. platinum n. A whitish steel-gray metallic element. platitude n. A written or spoken statement that is flat, dull, or commonplace. plaudit n. An expression of appluase. plausible adj. Seeming likely to be true, though open to doubt. plausive adj. Manifesting praise. playful adj. Frolicsome. playwright n. A maker of plays for the stage. plea n. An argument to obtain some desired action. pleasant adj. Agreeable. pleasurable adj. Affording gratification. plebeian adj. Common. pledgee n. The person to whom anything is pledged. pledgeor n. One who gives a pledge. plenary adj. Entire. plenipotentiary n. A person fully empowered to transact any business. plenitude n. Abundance. plenteous adj. Abundant. pleurisy n. Inflammation of the pleura, commonly attended with fever, pain in the chest. pliers n. pl. Small long-jawed pincers for bending wire, or holding small objects. plow v. To cultivate. plumage n. The feathers that cover a bird. plumb n. A weight suspended by a line to test the verticality of something. plummet n. A piece of lead for making soundings, adjustingwalls to the vertical. pluperfect adj. Expressing past time or action prior to some other past time or action. plural adj. Containing or consisting of more than one. plurality n. A majority. plutocracy n. A wealthy class in a political community who control the government by means of their money. pneumatic adj. Pertaining to or consisting of air or gas. pneumatology n. The science of spiritual existence. poesy n. Poetry. poetaster n. An inferior poet. poetic adj. Pertaining to poetry. poetics n. The rules and principles of poetry. poignancy n. Severity or acuteness, especially of pain or grief. poignant adj. Severely painful or acute to the spirit. pointer n. One of a breed of dogs trained to point out game to sportsmen. poise n. Equilibrium. poker n. An iron or steel rod used for poking a fire. polar adj. Pertaining to the poles of a sphere, especially of the earth. polemics n. The art of controversy or disputation. policy-holder n. One who holds a policy of insurance. politician n. A statesman. politics n. The branch of civics that treats of the principles of civil government and state affairs. polity n. A mode of government. poll n. The voting or registration of votes at an election. pollen n. The fine dust-like grains or powder formed within the anther of a flowering plant. pollute v. To contaminate. polyarchy n. Government by several or many persons of what- ever class. polycracy n. The rule of many. polygamy n. the fact or condition of having more than one wife or husband at once. polyglot adj. Speaking several tongues. polygon n. A figure having many angles. polyhedron n. A solid bounded by plane faces, especially by more than four. polyp n. An octopod. polysyllable adj. Having several syllables, especially more than three syllables. polytechnic adj. Pertaining to, embracing, or practicing many arts. polytheism n. The doctrine or belief that there are more godsthan one. pomegranate n. A fruit of a tree of the myrtle family. pommel v. To beat with something thick or bulky. pomposity n. The quality of being marked by an assumed stateliness and impressiveness of manner. pompous adj. Marked by an assumed stateliness and impressiveness of manner. poncho n. A blanket with an opening in the middle of the head, worn as an outer garment. ponder v. To meditate or reflect upon. ponderous adj. Unusually weighty or forcible. pongee n. Soft unbleached wash-silk made in China, by a wild silkworm. pontiff n. The Pope. poplar n. A tree. populace n. The common people. populous adj. Containing many inhabitants, especially in proportion to the territory. porcelain n. A translucent kind of pottery, usually glazed. porridge n. A food made by boiling meal or flour in water or milk. portable adj. That may be readily moved from one place to another. portend v. To indicate as being about to happen, especially by previous signs. portent n. Anything that indicates what is to happen. portfolio n. A portable case for holding writing-materials, drawings, etc. portico n. An open space with roof supported by columns, before the entrance to a building. portiere n. A curtain for use in a doorway, either instead of a door or as an ornament. portmanteau n. A satchel or small trunk. portrait n. A painting representing the face of a real person. portray v. To paint or draw the likeness of. Portuguese n. A native or naturalized citizen of Portugal. posit v. To present in an orderly manner. position n. The manner in which a thing is placed. positive adj. Free from doubt or hesitation. posse n. A force of men. possess v. To own. possession n. The having, holding, or detention of property in one's power or command. possessive adj. Pertaining to the having, holding, or detention of property in one's power or command. possessor n. One who owns, enjoys, or controls anything, as property. possible adj. Being not beyond the reach of power natural, moral, or supernatural. postage n. The charge levied on mail-matter. postal adj. Pertaining to the mail or mail-service. postdate v. To make the date of any writing later than the real date. posterior n. The hinder part. postgraduate adj. Pertaining to studies that are pursued after receiving a degree. postilion n. A rider of one of the near horses of a team drawing a vehicle. postmaster-general n. The executive head of the postal service of a government. postmistress n. A female postmaster. post-paid adj. Having postage prepaid. postscript n. Something added to a letter after the writer's signature. posture n. The position of the body. potamology n. The science of rivers. potash n. A white solid deliquescent compound having a strong alkaline reaction and actively caustic. potency n. Power. potent adj. Physically powerful. potentate n. One possessed of great power or sway. potential n. Anything that may be possible. potion n. A dose of liquid medicine. potter n. One who makes earthenware, stoneware, or porcelain. pottery n. The manufacture of earthenware or porcelain. pounce n. The act of descending and seizing rapidly. powerless adj. Impotent. practicable adj. Feasible. praenomen n. The name prefixed to the family name to mark the individual. prairie n. A level tract of treeless land covered with coarse grass. prate v. To talk about vainly or foolishly. prattle v. To utter in simple or childish talk. preamble n. A statement introductory to and explanatory of what follows. precarious adj. Perilous. precaution n. A provision made in advance for some possible emergency or danger. precede v. To happen first. precedence n. Priority in place, time, or rank. precedent n. An instance that may serve as a guide or basis for a rule. precedential adj. Of the the nature of an instance that may serve as a guide or basis for a rule. precentor n. The leader of the musical part of a church service. precession n. The act of going forward. precinct n. A minor territorial or jurisdictional district or division. precipice n. A high and very steep or approximately verticalcliff. precipitant adj. Moving onward quickly and heedlessly. precipitate v. To force forward prematurely. precise adj. Exact. precisian n. One who adheres punctiliously to rules and forms. precision n. Accuracy of limitation, definition, or adjustment. preclude v. To prevent. precocious adj. Having the mental faculties prematurely developed. precursor n. A forerunner or herald. predatory adj. Prone to pillaging. predecessor n. An incumbent of a given office previous to another. predial adj. Composed of farms or landed property. predicament n. A difficult, trying situation or plight. predicate v. To state as belonging to something. predict v. To foretell. prediction n. A prophecy. predominance n. Ascendency or preponderance. predominant adj. Superior in power, influence, effectiveness, number, or degree. predominate v. To be chief in importance, quantity, or degree. preeminence n. Special eminence. preempt v. To secure the right of preference in the purchase of public land. preemption n. The right or act of purchasing before others. preengage v. To preoccupy. preestablish v. To settle or arrange beforehand. preexist v. To exist at a period or in a state earlier thansomething else. preexistence n. Existence antecedent to something. preface n. A brief explanation or address to the reader, at the beginning of a book. prefatory adj. Pertaining to a brief explanation to the reader at the beginning of a book. prefer v. To hold in higher estimation. preferable adj. More desirable than others. preference n. An object of favor or choice. preferential adj. Possessing, giving, or constituting preference or priority. preferment n. Preference. prefix v. To attach at the beginning. pregnant adj. Impregnated or great with child. prehensible adj. Capable of being grasped. prehensile adj. Adapted for grasping or holding. prehension n. The act of laying hold of or grasping. prejudice n. A judgement or opinion formed without due examination of the facts. prelacy n. A system of church government. prelate n. One of a higher order of clergy having direct authority over other clergy. prelude n. An introdutory or opening performance. premature adj. Coming too soon. premier adj. First in rank or position. premise n. A judgment as a conclusion. premonition n. Foreboding. preoccupancy n. The act, state, or right of preoccupation, as of land. preoccupation n. The state of having the mind, attention, or inclination preoccupied. preoccupy v. To fill the mind of a person to the exclusion of other subjects. preordain v. To foreordain. preparation n. An act or proceeding designed to bring about some event. preparatory adj. Having to do with what is preliminary. prepare v. To made ready. prepay v. To pay in advance. prepense adj. Premeditated. preponderant adj. Prevalent. preponderate v. To exceed in influence or power. preposition n. The part of speech that denotes the relation of an object to an action or thing. prepositional adj. Pertaining to the part of speech that denotesthe relation of an object to an action or thing. preposess v. To preoccupy the mind or heart of. prepossession n. A preconceived liking. preposterous adj. Utterly ridiculous or absurd. Preraphaelite adj. Relating to the style of the Italian paintersbefore Rafael. prerogative adj. Having superior rank or precedence. presage v. To foretell. presbyter n. One of the elders of the church. prescience n. Knowleldge of events before they take place. prescient adj. Foreknowing. prescript adj. Prescribed as a rule or model. prescriptible adj. Derived from authoritative direction. prescription n. An authoritative direction. presence n. The state of being in a place indicated. present v. To bestow as a gift. present adj. Being in a place referred to. presentient adj. Perceiving or feeling beforehand. presentiment n. Foreboding. presentment n. Semblance. preservation n. Conservation. presidency n. The office or post of the chief magistrate of arepublic. presidential adj. Pertaining to the chief magistrate of a republic. prestige n. Authority or importance based on past achievements or gained from power or ability. presumption n. That which may be logically assumed to be true until disproved. presumptuous adj. Assuming too much. pretension n. A bold or presumptuous assertion. pretentious adj. Marked by pretense, conceit, or display. preterite adj. Signifying past time. preternatural adj. Extraordinary. pretext n. A fictitious reason or motive. praetor n. A city magistrate. pretty adj. Characterized by beauty. prevalence n. Frequency. prevalent adj. Of wide extent or frequent occurence. prevaricate v. To use ambiguous or evasive language for the purpose of deceiving or diverting attention. prevention n. Thwarting. prickle v. To puncture slightly with fine, sharp points. prier n. One who pries. priesthood n. The priestly office or character. priggish adj. Conceited. prim adj. Stiffly proper. prima adj. First. primer n. An elementary reading-book for children. primeval adj. Belonging to the first ages. primitive adj. Pertaining to the beginning or early times. primrose n. An early flowering garden perennial. principal adj. Most important. principality n. The territory of a reigning prince. principle n. A gneral truth or proposition. printer n. One engaged in the trade of typographical printing. priory n. A monastic house. prisoner n. One held in custody. pristine adj. Primitive. privacy n. A secluded state. privateer n. A vessel owned and officered by private persons, but carrying on maritime war. privilege n. A right or immunity not enjoyed by all, or thatmay be enjoyed only under special conditions. privity n. Knowledge shared with another or others regarding a private matter. privy adj. Partipating with another or others in the knowledge of a secret transaction. prize n. That which is offered or won as an honor and reward for excellence or success. pro prep. In behalf of. probate adj. Relating to making proof, as of a will. probation n. Any proceeding designed to ascertain or test character, qualification, or the like. probe v. To search through and through. probity n. Virtue or integrity tested and confirmed. procathedral n. A church or edifice use temporarily as a cathedral. procedure n. A manner or method of acting. proceed v. To renew motion or action, as after rest or interruption. proclamation n. Any announcement made in a public manner. procrastinate v. To put off till to-morrow or till a future time. procrastination n. Delay. Procrustean adj. Pertaining to or characteristic of Procrustes, a legendary greek robber. proctor n. An agent acting for another. prodigal n. One wasteful or extravagant, especially in the use of money or property. prodigious adj. Immense. prodigy n. A person or thing of very remarkale gifts or qualities. producer n. One who cultivates or makes things for sale anduse. producible adj. That may be brought into being, generated, grown, developed, or made. productive adj. Yielding in abundance. profession n. Any calling or occupation involving special mental or other special disciplines. professor n. A public teacher of the highest grade in a university or college. proffer v. To offer to another for acceptance. proficiency n. An advanced state of acquirement, as in some knowledge, art, or science. proficient adj. Possessing ample and ready knowledge or of skill in any art, science, or industry. profile n. An outline or contour. profiter n. One who profits. profligacy n. Shameless viciousness. profligate adj. Abandoned to vice. profuse adj. Produced or displayed in overabundance. progeny n. Offspring. progression n. A moving forward or proceeding in course. prohibition n. A decree or an order forbidding something. prohibitionist n. One who favors the prohibition by law of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages. prohibitory adj. Involving or equivalent to prohibition, especially of the sale of alcoholic beverages. projection n. A prominence. proletarian n. A person of the lowest or poorest class. prolific adj. Producing offspring or fruit. prolix adj. Verbose. prologue n. A prefatory statement or explanation to a poem, discourse, or performance. prolong v. To extend in time or duration. promenade v. To walk for amusement or exercise. Promethean adj. Like Prometheus. prominence n. The quality of being noticeable or distinguished. prominent adj. Conspicuous in position, character, or importance. promiscuous adj. Brought together without order, distinction, or design. promisee n. The person to whom a promise is made. promissory adj. Expressing an engagement to pay. promontory n. A high point of land extending outward from the coastline into the sea. promote v. To advance to a higher position, grade, or rank promoter n. A furtherer, forwarder, or encourager. promulgate v. To proclaim. pronoun n. A word denoting a person or thing by certain temporary relations. pronunciation n. The act or manner of pronouncing words or syllables. propaganda n. Any institution or systematic scheme for propogating a doctrine or system. propagate v. To spread abroad or from person to person. propel v. To drive or urge forward. propellent adj. Propelling. propeller n. One who or that which propels. prophecy n. Any prediction or foretelling. prophesy v. To predict or foretell, especially under divineinspiration and guidance. propitiate v. To make atonement. propitiatory adj. Pertaining to that which is offered as a ground for the remission of wrath. propitious adj. Kindly disposed. proportionate adj. Being in proportion. proprietor n. A person or one of the persons having the exclusive title or legal right to anything. propriety n. Accordance with recognized usage, custom, or principles. propulsion n. A driving onward or forward. prosaic adj. Unimaginative. proscenium n. That part of the stage between the the curtain and the orchestra. proscribe v. To reject, as a teaching or a practice, with condemnation or denunciation. proscription n. Any act of condemnation and rejection from favor and privilege. prosecute v. To bring suit against, in a court, for redress of wrong or punishment of crime. prosecution n. The instituting and carrying forward of a judicial proceeding to correct a wrong. prosecutor n. One who institutes and carries on a suit, especially a criminal suit, in a court of justice.proselyte n. One who has been won over from one religious belief to another. proslavery adj. Advocating slavery. prosody n. The science of poetical forms. prospector n. One who makes exploration, search, or examination, especially for minerals. prospectus n. A paper or pamphlet containing information of a proposed literary or other undertaking. prostitute n. A woman who practices indiscriminate lewdness for hire. prostrate adj. Lying prone, or with the head to the ground. protagonist n. A leader in any enterprise or contest. protection n. Preservation from harm, danger, annoyance, or any other evil. protective adj. Sheltering. protector n. A defender. protege n. One specially cared for and favored by another usually older person. Protestant n. A Christian who denies the authority of the Pope and holds the right of special judgement. protomartyr n. The earliest victim in any cause. protocol n. A declaration or memorandum of agreement less solemn and formal than a treaty. protoplasm n. The substance that forms the principal portion of an animal or vegetable cell.